How Quantum computing works - and how it will change the world - TeKnology Article

Quantum computing is the next big thing. You've probably heard about it before—it's got a lot of buzz around it. But what is it, really? And how will it change the world? Well, we're here to tell you: quantum computing has the power to change everything! Basically, quantum computers use quantum bits (qubits) instead of regular bits in order to process information. So what does that mean for us? Well, let's break it down: As we know, computers are made up of transistors. A transistor acts like an on/off switch, so if you turn on one transistor, another transistor might turn off. This is how a computer works: you have to turn on one transistor at a time in order to get any work done. When these transistors are turned on and off millions of times per second (which happens when you operate your computer), they form binary data—or 1s and 0s—that can be used by applications running on your machine. But quantum computers use qubits instead of regular bits! To understand how th...