
I am someone who consistently innovates to create value. I find opportunities where other people see none: I turn ideas into projects, and projects into serial success, has a very creative mind. Creativity is the source of differentiation and therefore, at the root of competitive advantage.

TeKnology Article is a technology advisory site that intends to resolve and answer modern-day Information Technology related complications. After identifying advancements in technology issues here we are focusing on delivering you the excellent solution to your inquiries with great attention. The vision of TeKnology Article is to be able to resolve most of the complications in the technology field.

Established in November 2021 by Farhan Anwar, TeKnology Article has not a very long journey from its starting but the fact is "Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them". When Farhan Anwar first commenced this blog, his passion for Technology made him commence and initiate his own career. We are still trying to shape TeKnology Article with the user's angle of vision. Because we believe that We always wanna try to get better. So whatever the posts are published here are in simple terms and languages which are easily understandable to the visitors.

At TeKnology Article Blog, I recognize that the privacy of your personal information is important. Here at Privacy Policy is information on what types of the personal information I receive and collect when you use and visit the Technology Article Blog, and how I safeguard your information. I never sell your personal information to third parties.


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